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The cost
of treatment

I want those who come to see me to have absolute transparency in terms of the cost of investigations and treatment. Please take this as a guide, correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of publication. Hospitals change their fees on a regular basis but I hope that this information will be useful. All of the costs listed on this page pertain to those who are self-funding. If you are insured there is no need to worry as I am 'fee-assured' with all of the main insurers meaning that there won't be any unexpected costs at any point during your journey with me.  

Date of last update: April 2024

Outpatient consultations

The cost of a first appointment is £250, a follow-up appointment is £150. This is the same for face-to-face and virtual appointments. This does not include scans, blood tests or any further investigations.


Nasal endoscopy is performed if you have a problem with your nose/sinuses, your throat or your voice. If you require a nasal endoscopy examination, the hospital will charge for that, at a cost of  £86 at The Alexandra and £140 at Spire Manchester.


I offer a tongue tie release service for babies under the age of 6 months at Spire Manchester and The Alexandra Hospital. The cost set by the hospital for this is £250 (£200 consultant fee and £50 hospital fee). During the consultation we will discuss the relative pros and cons of the procedure in the presence of a senior paediatric specialist nurse, if it is felt that the procedure is not required then unfortunately the policy is that the hospital does not offer a refund. Dividing the tie is a fine balance between too little (so not receiving benefit) and too much (causing bleeding). If we err on the side of caution too much then we will repeat the procedure free of charge.


Manchester Voice Clinic

I now provide a service for professional voice users at The Alexandra, using the latest equipment together with very talented senior speech and language therapists who work with professional voice users day in, day out. 


We work with Help for Musicians and receive referrals from other surgeons, therapists, performing arts institutions and from direct enquiries. 


The first assessment is key to getting the right diagnosis and we do this together at a package price of £465 which includes surgeon fee, speech therapist fee, endoscopy, stroboscopy and room hire. We will provide a comprehensive report, video of the stroboscopy and offer follow-up therapy sessions. Therapy/coaching sessions then cost £100 per session. If you need a follow-up joint assessment at any point in the future, the cost comes down to £340.


Surgical package prices

Included within a package price for an operation is as follows: a pre-operative assessment including pre-operative investigations, surgeon fee, anaesthetist fee, hospital fee, medications required during the stay or provided at discharge and a follow-up appointment.


Not included is: the initial consultation, required investigations and blood tests to make an accurate diagnosis and any longer-term post operative follow-up.


The quote is an estimate. The price will be higher if the operation is complex or if there are multiple operations being done under the same package. All quotes will be confirmed by S-J prior to the booking being made. Whilst the surgeon and anaesthetist fee is the same regardless of site, the hospital fee is always different. The estimated quote below is based on the most that you're likely to pay for a routine operation.  All prices are subject to change as per hospital policies. Everything will be transparent and there won't be any unexpected fees. 


Specific package prices

Tonsillectomy (F3440) aged over 18:



Tonsillectomy, both traditional and intra-capsular (F3400) aged under 18:



Adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy (F3480):



Grommets (D1510):

£2910 (adult) £3210 (child)


Grommets and adenoidectomy (D1510, E2010):



Standard endoscopic sinus surgery (E1432):



Septoplasty and turbinate surgery (E0360):



Clarifix: cryotherapy to the posterior nasal nerve (E1435):

£3060 (awake) £3960 (asleep)


Pinnaplasty (D0330) aged under 18:



Voice surgery (E3520):



Hemithyroidectomy (B0830):



Total thyroidectomy (B0812):



Ear drum repair (D1420):



Parotid gland surgery (F4430):



Submandibular gland removal (F4440):



Salivary intra-oral stone release (F5110):



Thyroglossal duct excision (B1012):



Call to clarify

Sarah-Jane is an email or call away, if the pricing structure doesn't make sense or you'd like a personalised quote in black and white please let us know.

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